Monday, July 7, 2008
How to Remember The More Basic Math, Ancient EgyptShine No, Kufu...
"Only a Most Complex Mind can Understand The Most Simple Truths".
It won't take all 3000 months!
Synopsis; The Basics of Math are too abstract and simple for a lot of people to remember well;
Solution; Convert the Numbers to Letters and make comics or more usual motifs out of the longer words, these are complex and concrete (making it easier to remember the double bus bus to Runnymead on shedule when they're hoping to save the Redcoats in Boston, Mass!) Achieving nonabstraction will boost you in math more than not all else held the same at any rate.
You can learn the higher up elevator math higher than level 13 (Causes good superstition, they say with 21 roofs) for content and vocabulary and axioms by using Toolboxes and the other methods on this arithmath site. What about the more basic math? You can learn content like a set of numbers like the second or third powers, (e.g. the second powers are of use in algebra) by just using the Letters For Numbers method as I say and then making up ridiculous or more common memory motifs to remember them. This lends itself well to just remembering basic lists of numbers or algebraic identities or other formulas where the letters are already there to make it remind me of comic math, and so on with more labor and use of the methods on my other math site.
...I find myself with savvy about higher math by the vocabulary and these other methods, e.g. I've extended my reach to the prime numbers up to about 100, second powers up to 25, multiplication tables up to 20. But even so just remembering basic addition and subtraction was a challenge for me. Remembering 14=6+8 was a problem, I wondered, what makes 6+8 so unlike what I had achieved before? In those days was M-A-T-H with me was U-G-H. (One thing I advise against is to take an advanced math or physics course without being sure you've learned the foundations 3/4 more indepth than not and you've passed all the exams, I tried when I was 18, I thought it was going to be easy because of my other talents, and I'll be good the rest of my life, or 300 years!) Finally I about realized the problem about these ABC's of math (which you can't even often go to science or sales college without) is that they are were both TOO ABSTRACT AND LOW IN CONTENT. To remember or anything that's "too simple" you NEED HIGHER RELIABLE CONTENT LIKE COMPLEXITY. One problem is that unlike learning multiples, addition and subtraction have not just a list of numbers in order, it's a list of 3 or more numbers in different orders and with the operation and the equals sign to learn. The solution is to make it more complex. Thus my best method is to convert the numbers of say 8+4 to the first letters of more substantial words by way of the simple letters to numbers list on the link which you can learn in a few minutes (and as they say it will be of worth to you for the rest of your life for creativity and memory both, like music, history, or languages and many other realms if you so opt as I say on MY COMEDY MACHINE page). When you use the letters to make the first letters of a longer word, the rest of the letters in the word you just ignore while you memorize from here with each repetition of the memo.
a Boat=9 Merely=3 (flows=plus, sounds like) in the (Shower=6)
or A Boat in the Shower, Merely Flows.
In (aLchemy=5) (it is true =) (heaVan =8) is (missed=minus) by (Moonshiners=3)
or in other words! (Cher=6) sings (flowers=plus) in the (aRia=4) of a (Dozer=10)
(Ldl's=5) (it is true(=)) (flow=plus) to (heaVan=8) when shaken out of your (TaMborine=13)
To remember 14 =6+?
A (TRanslation=14) of a (Journalist=6) (Flows=plus) to (heaVan=8)
A (booboo=9) (won't reduce, minus) a (goddess=7) with (knowledge=2)
13=6+7; You'll win much more than a giant platinum (dime=13) when your (huge=6) AM FM (Flowers=Plus) to win a (Grammy=7)
And So On....
This is like a memory zoom lense where you can slow it down so it's not so high speed it doesn't sink in, if you just used short words, otherwise you have low content and it's abstract and the reversed order of 14=6+8 and 8+6 makes it so you could also have this additional aid in confusion, and with me however I hope this is most activiving for you. This is a better method to remember it both in and out of order in a reliable more complex, concrete, way. Each time you do reps your savvy will be deeper and deeper, whereas if you learn them by abstraction and simplicity your learning won't be as enriched, or you may learn in retro mode. Experts say the basic ABC's of math are what you must learn first like a foundation, this method will speed you up to remember, because with more to remember, the more there is to remember, if you have a more creative memory!
This method seems better for the most basic stuff than lots of "drills", "New math" or looking at spatial arrays of numbers (though these methods combined will work best no doubt) because abstraction is still abstraction otherwise, especially with more practice using this (and the other) method(s). While the more advanced math I've learned well, the most basic math seemed to not improve even with drills and the other methods till I learned more and I love my life all year round!
What I've learned here as in life is, anytime you have something too abstract and simple to remember, make it complex, as here where you can Spell It Out Letter by Letter and then you can make longer words out of the letters, then just memorize the words, by comic (or more common) methods.
... The best way for simple abstract numbers to create a memory motif in practice like the above is to look at the numbers, go to the lists of puns with easy A Z access as in MY COMEDY MACHINE on this site, Click Here..) and find the best ones that fit and then refine if you like, this is a fast way to find the best words that are e.g non harmful to the wife or your landlord so you don't learn bad habits, and so on. If you don't have time to make the lists of puns as on the link, you can look in the Websters Thesaurus of math and soap opera inventor's competition, top prize is a cyber mouthwash that sings your breath to mouthwash. Another good pun source is online rhyme sites. Once I've found a set of puns to fit the memo (thanks for memori- sing me!) I write down the memory motif in my 1-100 math number Toolbox (mines inside my Machine in another sub ream) so I have a "real" copy I can always find. Next, I type the mnemonic in my handheld word machine and edit it day by day going over it and having comic laughs, and make it ridiculous as I say about the Comedy Machine once I have the general motif, and then, when it can be improved no more by weeding out the errors and improving it, list it in the audio memo. To avoid confusion on the audio and boost your memory here too asking it in a question and answer form is of worth like in the first example above with more than one rep on the sound byte to boost memory.
A better way yet to remember math or anything is to start with what you want to memorize, make the comic, then listen with text to speech software (speech to text is worthless as of 2010). If you've ever recorded a professors speech in college and listened to it you see that when you hear it aloud it's much more memorable than just by reading. Text to speech is like this except you can edit the speech as soon as you know what you want the machine to say and so you remember well and deep at higher speed. If you can't think of how to make it memorable, look up comedy sites about the topic and try using edits of these, you'll be more in the habit of learning the memory boosts and even if not right away, eventually this will make it so you can more easily make up more by memorizing enough examples. Another way to speed this up is to type you best first comic approximation of the memo you want to remember, copy it several times with cut and paste, and listen to it, this gives you much better depth sooner, just retype with improvements, copy again and listen again in cycles, soon you have a real great mnemonic! To remember it just record and listen some more. If you save this in an AZ document like on your desk stop and name your current changes at the top of the AZ in order of use you always have a way to start right where you are, with editable and memorable math memos. Books are not on the way out because the web causes overuse and this has been linked to depression, even if no crashes because you store all the AZ's on a 2 gee whiz chip you just plug in your USB. For more about how I solved the web overuse delimma for you and me Click Here.
...If you like, add music to make it more memorable yet, by writing down the memo in the math A Z with the name of many of your favorite songs to sing with a distinct one for each memo and then just put your own words in for the words of the song.
.. Can you imagine being like most people with math? Why pay 1000 for Math Tutor Software when they could buy a patent, pay for the same 1000 and soon be rich? Most can't afford a 1000 with the economy as it is, optimism is so strong I hope so however.
In one of the memos this month we read, Smart Pills, What you Should Know About Cognitive Boosters. They go on to say that in the history of these herbs almost all of them had some unfavorable press. But then if you're reading this like me, you may realize you already know a lot!