Three Other Simple Easier to Use Methods To Remember Math MORE MEMORY TOOLS IN YOUR TOOLBOX
.. The method above with improvements was as I was taught from 35 years ago onward by the method of the Memory Book, itself using memory methods originally devised by the ancient Greeks. Even as good as the method of the Memory Book is, introducing me to comedy and memory methods on a regular basis, there are important things the memory Book doesn't discuss, and here too there are important ways the Memory Book can be improved as the above e.g. about the letter method (LM, acronym) to memorize and about converting the numbers to letters of just the first of longer words to remember, using an index to find the numbers where the memory method and the comic is stored, memorizing the good side and bad side of each idea so you can find what's more your good side reliably, finding the improbable union of two unrelated motifs on the good side as a faster way to make good comedy and memorize all this by the Letter Method, and so on.
To improve on the method of longer words with the first number to letter and the comic and the letter method of the post above above a better method I've found for the simple math is to use rhyming words plus the joke and the letters to read.
9-7 is 2
A nun may save a tuneup, if she plays the harp without changing heaven's wheels!
8+3 is 11
If your hat's in a tree with an elf, lets hope he has no elf elevator!
Savin your socks by winning (1) the triathalon (3) arch!
8 and 5 are 13
Your hat has faith (in the rain=13) you're so radiant and golden!
8 and 6 are 14
Your hot socks are worth a fortune, at Christmas, if you hang them around the sauna, a Fortune 5000!
To find the rhyme, or to buy more rhyme and save rhyme, use rhyming sites. Once you have your rhymes written down as in the above, with each mnemonic you write the letter method, LM letters for the words, as I rhyme above! The rhyme method works best for stuff like these basic number comics and will make a real math comic or comedienne of you and are better than the longer words with the first number to letter above because the number to letter method needs translation so it would be slower both to memorize and speed is of value in math. The rhymes are memorable, and not too simple, while being complex enough to be real numbers on the number line! They have seen in the speech lab you remember a joke best, if it's short simple, and real. If it's too simple like 5 and 3 are 7, and it's abstract, you need more complexity for life and a simple method to translate than number to letters, and better yet is a shorter word like the rhymes because it's complex enough if it has real meaning.
.. The method above with improvements was as I was taught from 35 years ago onward by the method of the Memory Book, itself using memory methods originally devised by the ancient Greeks. Even as good as the method of the Memory Book is, introducing me to comedy and memory methods on a regular basis, there are important things the memory Book doesn't discuss, and here too there are important ways the Memory Book can be improved as the above e.g. about the letter method (LM, acronym) to memorize and about converting the numbers to letters of just the first of longer words to remember, using an index to find the numbers where the memory method and the comic is stored, memorizing the good side and bad side of each idea so you can find what's more your good side reliably, finding the improbable union of two unrelated motifs on the good side as a faster way to make good comedy and memorize all this by the Letter Method, and so on.
To improve on the method of longer words with the first number to letter and the comic and the letter method of the post above above a better method I've found for the simple math is to use rhyming words plus the joke and the letters to read.
9-7 is 2
A nun may save a tuneup, if she plays the harp without changing heaven's wheels!
8+3 is 11
If your hat's in a tree with an elf, lets hope he has no elf elevator!
Savin your socks by winning (1) the triathalon (3) arch!
8 and 5 are 13
Your hat has faith (in the rain=13) you're so radiant and golden!
8 and 6 are 14
Your hot socks are worth a fortune, at Christmas, if you hang them around the sauna, a Fortune 5000!
To find the rhyme, or to buy more rhyme and save rhyme, use rhyming sites. Once you have your rhymes written down as in the above, with each mnemonic you write the letter method, LM letters for the words, as I rhyme above! The rhyme method works best for stuff like these basic number comics and will make a real math comic or comedienne of you and are better than the longer words with the first number to letter above because the number to letter method needs translation so it would be slower both to memorize and speed is of value in math. The rhymes are memorable, and not too simple, while being complex enough to be real numbers on the number line! They have seen in the speech lab you remember a joke best, if it's short simple, and real. If it's too simple like 5 and 3 are 7, and it's abstract, you need more complexity for life and a simple method to translate than number to letters, and better yet is a shorter word like the rhymes because it's complex enough if it has real meaning.
The method of the Memory Book is to associate what you want to remember to something you already know, like via wild comedy with sounds of the words. For example to remember a list, they proclaim that you merely find puns based on both a list of items you already know like say the roads of your town and then find comics linking the two sets of items.
As I say in my site about memory methods and language, another method is to merely link it to language you already know, for example, "il eh damash" in French means, it's a shame, it's easier to remember, "I'm a little bit damaged" ect, with bogus etymologys (great for good etymologies too with Ant Bee) so you don't have to go way out to find your memory, works great for conversations with a mad boss or others who sometimes disdain creativity, (at least when upset)!
It's important to link what you want to remember what you want to remember to what you already know, of this there is no dispute. For math and other memory my question is what to link it to and how. If you learn a language, you want the language to remind you of other languge, and the usual comic links, but I believe familiarity is 3/4 of memory, no one laughs at a comic who's not there. Comics are the higher creativity, no doubt, life is motion, but monotony is the foundation to pay Ma Bell at the months when you owe.
Thus familiar methods to learn math are of worth.
For example to even remember 7 8's are 56 it's useful for me to link it to something I already know, 7 7's are 49.
So savin and saving for a nun, is saving half your true faith in a shoe.
The comic link is "You have true feet of faith but when you wear footwear, a nun knows more than most."
(A good thing about the Letter Method LM see main post above is anytime you come up with a better method like this of linking your math you don't know to math you want to learn is, you can also write the method itself both on you math wish list of memory and in your AZ index and memorize it too, so you learn how to learn.) This I arrived at today and the advantage is if you're sure you know the main idea (near the unknown) and then you strongly link it to the unknown to remember by both the comic and the acronyms, you're linking it to something that reminds you more of math, or when learning a language to more language, so you don't have to stop the conversation to be wild, saving a step while you maximize the memory force.
This second rhyming + joke+ LM method works well for small number motifs you have to know in no real order and with speed. This is good just in this realm, the numbers to letters (on the post above) can be used as a separate way to resolve your memory (e.g. dates in history) when accuracy is more important than speed of recall, or with short term memory like when you're doing arithmetic and must carry the darn 20,000, I'm rich! I use the numbers to letters for my music machine like when I have to remember where to move the 1,900th track to edit my song. These two methods both improve short term math memory a lot, especially with practice. Even so, for longer strings of numbers, the rhyme method is too complex for say 50 numbers fast, but believe it or not, I've found a way to do this the Memory Book hasn't guessed in 1500 years of memory labor.. The number to letter method is slower than the following method;
I'm good at languages, I speak about 20 or so. my mom's am AM English professor, she named us all after the royals of the 1600's, I'm not Sir Biff! In learning languages I had some few revelations as I learned them about how to learn how to learn. At first in the teen years I would just read and guess the pronunciation, you already know this for math, then I got some audios while I was down with the grip to pass the time awhile, my sister got them for me from the big city library where she lived then, this much sped up my learning cheap and fast. As they say about languages, audio is about 5X faster to learn deep. I had been using methods like pun rhyme and joke methods to learn, even if slow, till I realized I could also make up bogus etymologies or definitions of the words to remember them, e.g to remember Shoot for the Moon, even if you miss you'll be among the stars, it's Eintragfaden fur den Mont, selbst sin sie vermissen, sei huerin zu den sternen, or something like this in German, which means," To remember this I just say, Aim true far high and golden, alone (selbst or self) if thee far miss, you're herein zooming (among the) stars you're around in.
Of my sister the Spanish translator, to remember the word spinach in Spanish she breathed the word is binaca, binaca is green like spinach.
This also works well for learning foreign words in your own language, which are much the same to your membrain, nitric, is NO, you know a trick when you know more tricks.
In French the word's Je bourgeois, mean I need, "jshe bushwah", OAR-Ship of Shower, "I need" Breath Ashure Ashore!
The important boost to the Memory Book method here is, you don't have to use a joke to remember the best necessarily, of the above, only the French maid was wild. The memory book holds that the more wild your idea is when you remember it best, but I disagree just a bit after thousands of years because of the translation problem as I say, because if you're in the middle of the sentence and you have to remember something that doesn't have as much to do with what the other person is saying, it's out of context. In evolution there were large numbers of small changes leading upward, not small numbers of large changes. Second it's often easier to make a memory method out of words the words remind you of already, so it's both faster to create and translate. I used the ridiculous methods since I was 15 and it got so with all the jokes I knew, it was always just another random joke, comical yes, but tough to keep track of in my Comedy Machine Click Here. An easier to make, surer but faster method to translate was the best, and with what jokes there were, no doubt, but this the best yet. As I say using the first letters of each word as spelled to make another "acronym" word (like Laser for Light emission And ....) has this advantage, it will much improve memory, and link all the random jokes together faster...
This method is better than the ancient method of the Memory Book. I was writing the letters for words in my math index to try to remember what the two motifs of 15 4's and 12 fives have in common to speed up by linking the two.
They both =60.
I wrote 15 4's and 12 5's are 60 (both);
F T F A T F A S B.
When I would first write down my Letters to make the easy labor, I would notice it was always slow to start even though once I had read the letters for the words I would speed up and remember better than by any other method to learn stuff, a deep way to learn stuff I would have otherwise had no way to remember. The problem was it was tough to convert the letters to memory words, even while the LM method was one of the best I'd found, with slower but more reliable memory advances, I was disoriented by the letters with each go round of letters to words. As I say on my post above WWWW (Ways to Speed Up The LM) I tried ways to speed up like alternating more between the words of the sentence and the letters. Jokes didn't seem to even make much impact, while the LM was of worth.
..Finally just by labor of Heavans of Love to Betsy and Heavenly Merry Maids I found that reading what the letters remind me of and repeating these words each time I read the LM was a much more reliable way to speed up. The words link the letters even of random comics so you remember well! It was much easier to find the LM on the ream. The LM words don't have to be comic or even have meaning, but it helps, just random words you know will be enough for the basic method. In the above the letters
Reminded me of foot faith fessup, I was repeating these,and the joke was, If my wing tipped shoes rose to the afterlife!
Then (just by more creativity) I asked, why exactly is the Memory Book number to letter method better for say memorizing multiples of 17 than this? No doubt the rhyme method is good with just the basic bits and bytes. And then I realized that this method was more of worth because it doesn't have the awkward step of translation. Like the language method, or to learn anything verbal, you're comparing it to what you already know in smaller but more reliable steps. Spelling words with the first letters or first and second letters of each number is a more memorable way to math.
For example to remember the multiples of 17 from 17 5's to 10 (170)
first write the numbers you want to memorize
85, 102, 119, 136, 153, 170
Step 2, write the first letters of the numbers;
if, oz(zero)t, ont, ots, oft, os
Next I make up my words, "If the East is onto the outside of my operating system" and then I use the numbers to convert the first memo to remember to be in the general area and start from the start, 17 5's or toggle so the word is the same except for this;
Your Doc is well If the out is on the outside of the operating system!
When in doubt just spell the first letters of the words, if, ost, ont, and so on.
To remember the Comic itself just write the Comic;
and the letters for it Y D I W I T E I O T O O T O S.
..Finally just by labor of Heavans of Love to Betsy and Heavenly Merry Maids I found that reading what the letters remind me of and repeating these words each time I read the LM was a much more reliable way to speed up. The words link the letters even of random comics so you remember well! It was much easier to find the LM on the ream. The LM words don't have to be comic or even have meaning, but it helps, just random words you know will be enough for the basic method. In the above the letters
Reminded me of foot faith fessup, I was repeating these,and the joke was, If my wing tipped shoes rose to the afterlife!
Then (just by more creativity) I asked, why exactly is the Memory Book number to letter method better for say memorizing multiples of 17 than this? No doubt the rhyme method is good with just the basic bits and bytes. And then I realized that this method was more of worth because it doesn't have the awkward step of translation. Like the language method, or to learn anything verbal, you're comparing it to what you already know in smaller but more reliable steps. Spelling words with the first letters or first and second letters of each number is a more memorable way to math.
For example to remember the multiples of 17 from 17 5's to 10 (170)
first write the numbers you want to memorize
85, 102, 119, 136, 153, 170
Step 2, write the first letters of the numbers;
if, oz(zero)t, ont, ots, oft, os
Next I make up my words, "If the East is onto the outside of my operating system" and then I use the numbers to convert the first memo to remember to be in the general area and start from the start, 17 5's or toggle so the word is the same except for this;
Your Doc is well If the out is on the outside of the operating system!
When in doubt just spell the first letters of the words, if, ost, ont, and so on.
To remember the Comic itself just write the Comic;
and the letters for it Y D I W I T E I O T O O T O S.
And when you read it just say You Do Wait Outside! To make a comic here is too much the same and too tricky to know which words are which so I just recommend using the random words like WAIT here, not another comic from the words. You can alternate between the general WAIT sentence and the spelled out sentence when in doubt, you have the general and the sharp and you augment both more with ease.
This will speed you up a lot for more numbers you remember well. Like the language method above it's easy to translate. This is important to the method because once you know how to speak a language the most important first step, you learn more and more as you read it, like Spanish in stores, in a more gradual interactive method, a pleasure in life, building up your brain as research proves. If you're learning about saving money, days or hours of the month, you add more each time without have to take time for the number to letter methods..
For another example to remember 17 10s on up to 17 15s (I learn in 5 number blocks for optimal worth);
The numbers are
170, 187, 204, 221, 238, 255
os,oes, tof(our), tto, t30e, 255
The comic here is the ounce (os 170) is
Always (oes 187) The offer (204) toutin (221) what is too true about your hat (238) at 2 times the 55 mph limit (255)
My comic here is, You're drivin a big jug of fizz up the superhighway, the blurbs twice as fast past you in relative motion as you go, "Don't lose this fizz!" the jug on your hat belches!
While this third method is more interactive and easier to learn well, it has one problem about how the numbers are actually spelled;
0 and 1 could be spelled 0 and o, 2, 3, and 10 are spelled with t, 4 and 5 are spelled with f and 6 and 7 are spelled with s. When in doubt it's good to add the second letter of the word, zero is se or z, one is oh (not 0), three is tr, 5 is fi or fee, 6 is si, and 7 is see.
Numbers like 13 are "the drain" or what you may think up.
And There's a real cool thing about this method,
And when you read it just say You Do Wait Outside! To make a comic here is too much the same and too tricky to know which words are which so I just recommend using the random words like WAIT here, not another comic from the words. You can alternate between the general WAIT sentence and the spelled out sentence when in doubt, you have the general and the sharp and you augment both more with ease.
This will speed you up a lot for more numbers you remember well. Like the language method above it's easy to translate. This is important to the method because once you know how to speak a language the most important first step, you learn more and more as you read it, like Spanish in stores, in a more gradual interactive method, a pleasure in life, building up your brain as research proves. If you're learning about saving money, days or hours of the month, you add more each time without have to take time for the number to letter methods..
For another example to remember 17 10s on up to 17 15s (I learn in 5 number blocks for optimal worth);
The numbers are
170, 187, 204, 221, 238, 255
os,oes, tof(our), tto, t30e, 255
The comic here is the ounce (os 170) is
Always (oes 187) The offer (204) toutin (221) what is too true about your hat (238) at 2 times the 55 mph limit (255)
My comic here is, You're drivin a big jug of fizz up the superhighway, the blurbs twice as fast past you in relative motion as you go, "Don't lose this fizz!" the jug on your hat belches!
While this third method is more interactive and easier to learn well, it has one problem about how the numbers are actually spelled;
0 and 1 could be spelled 0 and o, 2, 3, and 10 are spelled with t, 4 and 5 are spelled with f and 6 and 7 are spelled with s. When in doubt it's good to add the second letter of the word, zero is se or z, one is oh (not 0), three is tr, 5 is fi or fee, 6 is si, and 7 is see.
Numbers like 13 are "the drain" or what you may think up.
And There's a real cool thing about this method,
How so?
I'm a math comic and a general comic too, so I was writing jokes in my Comedy Machine and I noticed something of worth when I would write the usual letters for the words to unify them. They reminded me of others!
For example I had written "my own" laugh;
Why are there fewer accidents in the country even with rush hour and goats and tractors and hens? Nothing to hit, all they hit is room!
I had underlined the first five letters to find the comic, WATFAIT, This reminded me of What Fii in Ithica NY, and then I just improved it to,
If here we have What Fi, what do they have in Maui? HAWAII fi!
"Why not go to sunny Florida?" Because it's of more worth to go to shady Ohio or the moonshine state!"
The first letters are,
Which reminded me of,
Why go to sci fi? Binaca?
Take me to your weeder! (The UFO would always say this in old Sci Fi.) No spinach!
And so on lots of comedy, only more good for your brain is a thousand hugs when you see your sweet wife, your hugs will be higher!
You can put all these comics in your own Comedy Machine you'll see how to make on the link in the Recent Comics ream and then link them by topic from the numbers where the puns for the important words you want to improve best, so you always have both recent memos and you can build them up over longer times like when the neighbors say something you want to improve and they may try to repeat it more than once. By Christmas yule be a comic! If you have lots of comics you can use them to solve problems better with more options!
In the above examples I used jokes already in my Machine to find the first letters and the others. In order to remember the jokes by the LM, Letter Method you don't want to use the same letters twice, for both jokes, memorizing power can be important, and two jokes like this with much the same letters causes confusion. For this there's a simple solution, I don't use my own comics to create more, instead I use random letters from words anywhere like in a book about math!
For example I Opened my Health Volume where it says;
Change your diet to ditch dermatitis; Food Labels
A coat of doubt Fat.
A coat will lose weight, I lost 50 lbs this month!
Other Comments Of Note;
Try to find the good side of what you want your words to be, as I say more about on my Comedy Machine site. Be on the lookout for contradictions or unions that aren't common in the words the letters remind you of, and find the good side of these unusual motifs to make the comedy.
Even if this random letter method of words to jokes is good you'll have some duds, we all have a bad side of something and with practice you may have more than two out of three good mots like me. If you have an error, have faith and go on so in so much heat you will sweat out loud when summer's in March, what a sigh!...
How so?
I'm a math comic and a general comic too, so I was writing jokes in my Comedy Machine and I noticed something of worth when I would write the usual letters for the words to unify them. They reminded me of others!
For example I had written "my own" laugh;
Why are there fewer accidents in the country even with rush hour and goats and tractors and hens? Nothing to hit, all they hit is room!
I had underlined the first five letters to find the comic, WATFAIT, This reminded me of What Fii in Ithica NY, and then I just improved it to,
If here we have What Fi, what do they have in Maui? HAWAII fi!
"Why not go to sunny Florida?" Because it's of more worth to go to shady Ohio or the moonshine state!"
The first letters are,
Which reminded me of,
Why go to sci fi? Binaca?
Take me to your weeder! (The UFO would always say this in old Sci Fi.) No spinach!
And so on lots of comedy, only more good for your brain is a thousand hugs when you see your sweet wife, your hugs will be higher!
You can put all these comics in your own Comedy Machine you'll see how to make on the link in the Recent Comics ream and then link them by topic from the numbers where the puns for the important words you want to improve best, so you always have both recent memos and you can build them up over longer times like when the neighbors say something you want to improve and they may try to repeat it more than once. By Christmas yule be a comic! If you have lots of comics you can use them to solve problems better with more options!
In the above examples I used jokes already in my Machine to find the first letters and the others. In order to remember the jokes by the LM, Letter Method you don't want to use the same letters twice, for both jokes, memorizing power can be important, and two jokes like this with much the same letters causes confusion. For this there's a simple solution, I don't use my own comics to create more, instead I use random letters from words anywhere like in a book about math!
For example I Opened my Health Volume where it says;
Change your diet to ditch dermatitis; Food Labels
A coat of doubt Fat.
A coat will lose weight, I lost 50 lbs this month!
Other Comments Of Note;
Try to find the good side of what you want your words to be, as I say more about on my Comedy Machine site. Be on the lookout for contradictions or unions that aren't common in the words the letters remind you of, and find the good side of these unusual motifs to make the comedy.
Even if this random letter method of words to jokes is good you'll have some duds, we all have a bad side of something and with practice you may have more than two out of three good mots like me. If you have an error, have faith and go on so in so much heat you will sweat out loud when summer's in March, what a sigh!...
The above three methods (Conversion of letters to numbers by the Memory Book method, rhyming puns for short number motifs, and the higher speed First Letters of numbers to Words Method for longer lists of numbers) are good methods, even so a more simple way to remember numbers based on ideas about the numbers you already know may be of value.
For example there are many examples where the three methods though good, don't fit the numbers well for the rhetoric, (like your good side of it, or not the good side in general).
Example, Cromwell in the English civil war, died in 1658 or so, the Memory Book number to letter method has the letters
t-sh l-f for 1658,
To remembere it might seem, to Cram Well (Cromwell)
have a dish of life, 1658
Dish of Life has rhetorical woes (ouch! ouch!)
The above three methods (Conversion of letters to numbers by the Memory Book method, rhyming puns for short number motifs, and the higher speed First Letters of numbers to Words Method for longer lists of numbers) are good methods, even so a more simple way to remember numbers based on ideas about the numbers you already know may be of value.
For example there are many examples where the three methods though good, don't fit the numbers well for the rhetoric, (like your good side of it, or not the good side in general).
Example, Cromwell in the English civil war, died in 1658 or so, the Memory Book number to letter method has the letters
t-sh l-f for 1658,
To remembere it might seem, to Cram Well (Cromwell)
have a dish of life, 1658
Dish of Life has rhetorical woes (ouch! ouch!)
If you Cram Well a dish of life, a wife may be fat, and the ecology may be harmed, and Cromwell himself seems to get out of it not dead in hundreds of years!
..These are all the bad side of habits not worth learning, a good reason for good rhetoric in general, no doubt, good for your brain.
Likewise the rhyme is not so good, your socks are tan if you have faith in the heat, and you Cram Them Well, not really the most amazing or concise,
And the third method of
1658 or
stfe, say Santa Fe of the LM might be something like CRam Wel into the Santa Fe train, like real small and you're the giant by the Santa train at Xmas. For me at any rate this is a comic I already knew, new is better, especially new memorable, and to the point. Valor is doing what anyone would be proud of, even if no one knows you did it, I choose life over sleep.
Thus another method is often or sometimes of worth to remember numbers well, if for no other reason than it keeps your brain more active and strong, so I also use a fourth method to remember numbers like the above about Cromwell.
This method is the Number Idea method;
For example to remember Crom Well real good,
the numbers 16 and 58 remind me of teen (16) Einstein who died in 58 or so.
If you're a teenage Einstein, you cram well before the finals! Aha! This is memorable, good, and it allows "someone" to have reached history.
This is rather like the typical process I use to remember numbers well, by "trying it out" by use of the four methods. The more good or classic methods you have, like tools in a tool box, the sooner you'll find the way to remember like we remember ol' Einstein.
Another example of the Number Content Method;
the multiples of 18 up to 5 are 18, 36, 54, 72, 90
Mark Twain was born in 1836 or so;
He said he was born with Haley's Comet and that he would die with Haley's comet in it's return (sure enough he did) so there's no word if he's already returned and was reenergised in 1986, when the Comet rezoomed us. If so he has a good audio web machine!
54 was when Elvis used the audio machine too
72 Nixon had a bad machine with the audio they found this year;
90 is what a good audio machine was in 90!
Here by this method I found what the numbers remind me of like the number 32 is about winter, or 41 is about WW II and then just found the common truth, this is a good memory method if the truths are not bad, comic all the more, though mostly just the common of your memory is best.